Monday, October 11, 2010

YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles - 2013

YJ Draiman for for Mayor of Los Angeles - 2013
Statement to the voters

It is important that the office of the Mayor be responsive and must represent every resident/stakeholder in the city; the Mayor’s operation must be transparent and not selective. We cannot have it business as usual and ignore our residents/stakeholders of the city.

We must make Los Angeles more business friendly, more conducive to bring new businesses and overcome the lack of financing that is hurting business and homeowners.
We must make Los Angeles more business friendly - a place where everyone who wants a good job can find one. This transition has to take place without delay, less talk and more action. We need to streamline our policies and reduce red tape that is strangling and hampering the private-sector in Los Angeles. The city of Los Angeles is starving for new business; our taxpayers are paying too much tax. What we need is to instill confidence in our citizens. We need to develop a series of very tough-minded, market-driven, strategies that deliver in the marketplace."
By increasing the new businesses in our city, we will increase revenues to the City and the State.
Our citizens are concerned about jobs and a roof over their head. We must address those issues.
Our education system needs to be revamped and improved.
The city budget must be balanced – reduce waste and increase efficiency.
We must address public transportation expansion and reduce traffic congestion.
Business ethics are deteriorating – we must improve and regain the consumers trust.
I am your candidate, a businessman with varied life experience, that can relate to the voters concerns and life struggles.
Do you want to eliminate waste? – Elect – YJ Draiman
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles - 2013
(March 5, 2013 Election)
Contact: 818-366-6999

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honor, Honesty and Integrity these are not just words

At times we feel maybe justified in violating a part of our own integrity.
We don’t measure the effect that by doing so, the amount of damage
that it does to others as well as to our own soul.

We speak of justice; we speak of honesty and doing the right things in
life. We are sometimes confronted not so much by the violation of
these principles but by the impact they have on our own spirit.

Feeling betrayed by those you trust, who have in some way acted in a manner that you may never understand,

will have an impact on your life. This may only be for a moment or maybe a lifetime;

each person has their own emotional point of tolerance to transgressions that may have been committed by even the most trusted among you.

These words are what make’s us civilized. They are the fundamentals
of our own character. We can not be responsible for someone else’s
behavior but we are in total control of our own. Our behavior in any
setting should be guided by these words.

We can forgive others, but it is not easy for us to forgive ourselves
when it is our actions that bring forth circumstances that no one
wants. I have felt recently that betrayal, that dishonest act that just
hurts and saddens the soul. Of course, that does not make that person
bad or evil. It is an act that does not help for the survival of a group.

I believe in the biblical statement that vengeance is the Lord’s it is not
mine to give. When dealing with anyone in any capacity honesty is the
guide. Integrity is the path to take. Honor is yours to own. Weep as
you may for an infraction of another upon you; forgive as that
transgression will also corrupt your soul to a deeper distrust of all.

For the transgressor it will be easy to do that which they may feel is
right, though the action violates all honor or self respect which creates
havoc and chaos on others. Maybe to be honest will allow one to sleep
at night. My heart pains, for those who have chosen the path of least
resistance, which is the path to destruction.

Integrity doesn’t mean that you become some cold, stoic person, and
vacant of all emotion. Integrity just means to flow with your honest
feelings and actions ensuring that they are in alignment with propriety.
If you don’t like what you are doing then honor yourself by doing the
best job anyway. You can always change careers.