Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Moslem influence is increasing on a daily basis - resist defend your freedom

Moslem influence is increasing on a daily basis - resist defend your freedom

Extremist Moslem influence is increasing on a daily basis.
Unless the world unites to defend their rights, freedom and democracy. We see a diminished capacity to express ourselves and defend our freedom and our rights as free citizens of the world.

We must unite to resist the influence and domination of Moslem extremists. Moslem extremists should be exterminated from the face of the earth; they preach hate and destruction of anyone who is not a Moslem. They utilize threats and terrorism to advance their goals.
World wake up the Moslem extremist domination is progressing with little resistance.

Any leader religious or otherwise preaching terrorism, hate, destruction, annihilation of other human beings – should be erased from the face of the earth ASAP.

People should note that the majority of conflicts through the world involve Muslims.

Life is too precious, people should learn to live with each other and respect every individual’s belief – not promoting violence, death and destruction.

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