Thursday, May 5, 2011

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

I don’t care if it’s new, old, or renewable energy, why apply it at a 50 to 60% efficient process rate. You might as well throw the money down a toilet, because you’re wasting the countries tax dollars and not solving the main problem. You measure the efficiency of boilers,cloths dryers, furnace heating devices to the homes, refrigerators, and now you are talking about rating homes. Why not rate the efficiency of how the energy has been applied to our Industrial Processes that made this nation what it is today, when natural gas was only 0.25 to 0.50 cents per MCF and how it was appied didn’t amount to that much as long as the owner got the output from the Process he was after. There are model energy application systems that have increased the Process efficiency to dry, fire and cool brick at a 15 to 20% reduced fuel rate, while increasing the potential output of the retrofitted Process by 30 to 40%, running at a Process Efficiency of 80 to 90%. The technology is available today to do that in the Brick Industry. I’m quite sure the same model could be applied to all Industries, but it has been primarily developed for the Stuctural Clay Brick Industry the past twenty to thirty years.

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