Monday, August 1, 2011

World class renewable energy innovation enterprise zone revealed for Los Angeles – Proposed by YJ Draiman – rev.2

World class renewable energy innovation enterprise zone revealed for Los Angeles – Proposed by YJ Draiman – rev.2

YJ Draiman welcomes an innovative renewable energy zone approach which will create 100,000+ new jobs over the next 10 years.

An ambitious project that will transform the way universities, business and industry collaborate, and establish Los Angeles as a world leader in the research, development and design of next generation renewable energy technology, was announced today, January 31, 2011. Spearheaded by the Draiman economic development agency, Draiman Enterprise, and National Technology Renewable Energy Zone, will be established in the city of Los Angeles with the Universities of Southern California Technology Innovation Development at its heart.

A large parcel of land will be allocated to set up the renewable energy enterprise zone site, which will be within the boundaries of Los Angeles. There will be an academic center which will be transformed into a center of excellence for academic research, commercialization and industry collaboration.

The renewable energy zone initiative, which would span further than the confines of the City of Los Angeles and include Southern California, is expected to create 100,000 + new jobs over the next 10 years and give a boost to the Los Angeles economy through further industry academia collaboration and inward investment.

Draiman enterprise Chief Executive YJ Draiman said: “This new vision of the Renewable energy Technology Innovation Center will be the cornerstone of Los Angeles Technology and Renewable Energy Zone. YJ Draiman’s vision for The Renewable energy Zone is to provide a breeding ground for ambitious companies to harness cutting-edge research, access the best people and develop the products which will shape the renewable energy industry of tomorrow.

“Southern California has already claimed a place on the renewables map attracting energy heavyweights and pioneers in the solar and wind sector and we believe that by establishing this zone we will help reinforce Los Angeles position as a location of choice for the rapidly expanding renewables industry.”
YJ Draiman said: “The Universities in the Los Angeles area’s Technology and Innovation Center is a transformational project for Los Angeles, building on California’s great tradition of innovating new technologies and developments in fields; including energy and engineering while creating and supporting hundreds of jobs. Through this collaboration, the aim is to quadruple the scale of research program investment in Los Angeles in areas key to economic growth by up to $10 billion + in ten years. “And now, as an integral part of Los Angeles Enterprise’s new Technology and Renewable Energy Zone, which aims to establish Los Angeles as a premier location for inward investment into world-leading technology and renewables research and development, we have the potential to deliver huge economic and social benefits, not only in Los Angeles but nationally and beyond.”

YJ Draiman said: “The Technology and Innovation for renewable energy zone will help transform Los Angeles and Southern California. By capitalizing on our leading, industry-relevant research, the renewable energy zone will attract billions of dollars of inward investment to the city of Los Angeles, drive global businesses, create jobs, and support the development of our highly-qualified graduates and postgraduates. “As a leading technological hub of Universities, they are committed to sharing knowledge to address challenges that affect every area of society, including energy, health, manufacturing and economics. The renewable energy zone will forge new levels of collaboration between researchers, the public and private sectors to accelerate the pace of research and development and deliver benefit to companies, the economy and Southern California.” The collaborative approach with the Universities, Los Angeles Enterprise and existing pioneering renewable energy leaders means that companies locating in the zone will have access to government support and some of the world’s best industry and academia in the fields of technology, engineering and energy. The project represents a supportive government and business environment where companies locating in and around the zone may be eligible for additional support for job creation, innovation and staff development, delivered through various California Enterprise schemes.

When the need arises we will establish facilities within the existing Zone that offer temporary accommodation for prospective tenants until construction of the research center is complete or, if required, a purpose-built industry engagement building is created within the Zone.
Renewable energy Zone is designed to draw on Southern California’s existing competitive advantage by providing the right business environment for the renewables industry to continue to grow and further develop. Recent announcements from industry leaders have reinforced Southern California’s position as a world leading city in solar, wind research and development. A leader in energy innovation with unrivalled human and natural resources in renewable energy, Southern California is building on its rich history of oil and gas exploration and developing an infrastructure to cement its position as a world class location for international companies looking to invest in renewable energy and Energy efficiency.

YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles

Friday, May 6, 2011

ERV Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems Reduce Long Term Costs and Improve Indoor Air Quality

ERV Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems Reduce Long Term Costs and Improve Indoor Air Quality

Is the indoor air your breathe is as fresh and healthy as it can be?

As building science professionals have known for some time, an effective ventilation strategy is an absolute requirement for all homes. Mechanical ventilators exchange air inside the home with fresh air from the outside. This helps to reduce indoor pollution levels, and greatly increases the comfort level inside the home.
Many ventilation designs are including Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) to improve the system efficiency. Besides providing controlled ventilation, ERVs are able to filter, humidify, dehumidify, heat, or cool the incoming fresh air. The most popular design of ERVs utilizes a desiccant wheel to remove both heat and a significant amount of moisture from the incoming air, which reduces the load on the air-conditioning system. But while ventilators and ERVs can add tremendously to the comfort and efficiency of a home, they must be installed correctly.
One of the more recent developments in the ‘green’ technology industry is the creation of environmentally-friendly buildings that use energy-efficient technologies to reduce power consumption.
Energy consultants point out that creating ‘green’ buildings and improving the air quality inside such facilities utilizing ERV can and do go hand-in-hand. ERV Systems that reduce demand for energy while improving ventilation are increasingly in demand.
ERV – Energy Recovery Ventilation systems saves energy, increases indoor air quality, reduces contaminates and odors.
The use of ERV technology “energy recovery ventilation systems,” or ERVs. Such systems are designed to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality (IAQ) by capturing and recycling building energy to humidify, pre-cool or dehumidify incoming air.
ERVs, the research first said, are most popular in areas with more extreme outdoor temperatures, like Northern states where winters can get quite cold, or Southern states where very warm temperatures and high humidity demand more energy consumption to maintain comfortable indoor environments.
“The focus on IAQ is another key trend benefiting ERV, as people become increasingly conscious of the importance to maintain air quality through properly designed and managed HVAC systems,” Energy consultant said in the energy audit survey.
Market growth for ERVs, Energy consultant said, is driven largely by energy conservation policies that are challenging building custodians to reduce energy consumption for indoor climates. The firm cited as an example the 90.1 standard from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) which currently dictates “energy recovery systems for applications of 5000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) and larger with 70 percent outside air (OA).”
ASHRAE 90.1 is a standard that specifies at least 50 percent total effectiveness for ERVs, Energy consultant said.
The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also have various standards and regulations regarding energy recovery and IAQ.
Energy Consultant said two main obstacles lie in the way of more widespread use of ERVs: lack of knowledge and the need to reduce operating costs in the short term. Since building owners and facility managers rely for the most part on contractors to select and install heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment, if the contractors are not up-to-speed on ERV developments they may pick products that aren’t as energy-efficient as they could be.
Also, Energy consultant noted, HVAC contractors work within budgets and therefore tend to buy equipment based on its price rather than long-term cost benefits. It therefore is important to educate contractors about ERVs, and some of that burden falls on manufacturers. The Green Building Council is also playing a role through its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program that evaluates buildings to determine the environmental performance during their entire lifecycle.
ERVs aren’t just good for the planet; they’re good for people, too.
“The focus on IAQ is another key trend benefiting ERV, as people become increasingly conscious of the importance to maintain air quality through properly designed and managed HVAC systems,” Energy consultant said in the report.
When IAQ isn’t managed properly, people living or working in unhealthy buildings can develop sick building syndrome from pollutants in the air they breathe.
“With half of all illnesses attributed to indoor airborne contaminants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared IAQ a public health priority,” Energy consultant said. “Ventilation with outdoor air is the only strategy that can simultaneously reduce the levels of all indoor pollutants.”

by: YJay Draiman, Energy analyst – Northridge, CA

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

I don’t care if it’s new, old, or renewable energy, why apply it at a 50 to 60% efficient process rate. You might as well throw the money down a toilet, because you’re wasting the countries tax dollars and not solving the main problem. You measure the efficiency of boilers,cloths dryers, furnace heating devices to the homes, refrigerators, and now you are talking about rating homes. Why not rate the efficiency of how the energy has been applied to our Industrial Processes that made this nation what it is today, when natural gas was only 0.25 to 0.50 cents per MCF and how it was appied didn’t amount to that much as long as the owner got the output from the Process he was after. There are model energy application systems that have increased the Process efficiency to dry, fire and cool brick at a 15 to 20% reduced fuel rate, while increasing the potential output of the retrofitted Process by 30 to 40%, running at a Process Efficiency of 80 to 90%. The technology is available today to do that in the Brick Industry. I’m quite sure the same model could be applied to all Industries, but it has been primarily developed for the Stuctural Clay Brick Industry the past twenty to thirty years.

What Exactly Is Renewable Energy?

What Exactly Is Renewable Energy?

2008 has been a pretty wild and productive year as far as energy goes, as we have a pretty big problem right now, and no one seems to be able to agree on exactly how to solve it. Luckily, we do have some options on the table, and after all the smoke and dust clears, perhaps we can figure out which method(s) are most economical and most efficient. I’m speaking of renewable energy, which is quite different than fossil fuels in one main and obvious regard – we can renew it (hence the name renewable energy).

Currently, there are five viable sources of renewable energy that we as humans can take advantage of, and a short description of each:

1. Solar Energy – Ah, the power of the sun. Unless you’ve lived in a cave all of your life, you probably have a good idea that solar energy is energy collected from the sun and used later for electricity and heating. Obviously the sun is quite large, and in most parts of the world, you can collect a rather large amount of solar energy assuming you have the equipment. The technology required to harness the sun’s energy is getting less expensive by the year, and it’s a viable alternative source that we must consider taking advantage of if we want to live to see 50 years from now. More individuals and even business owners are taking advantage of it these days to fight the skyrocketing costs of electricity bills, and of course, for the tax benefits.

2. Geothermal Power – If you weren’t aware, we have this really hot thing in the middle of the Earth. It’s called the “core”. Anyway, deep inside the Earth, there are all sorts of things going on, and the one we’re most interested in is the heat. There is more than an abundance of natural heat down there, and when we harness and utilize that heat for energy, that form of energy is called Geothermal energy. More and more these days, homes and businesses are using geothermal heating systems to save on energy bills and to do their part in “going green”. Geothermal is actually a really great form of energy, since it doesn’t produce any pollution or greenhouse gases, but the only drawback is the initial cost to install the equipment to harness it. Not to mention, you have to live in a place that has the right geological properties in order to use it.

3. Wind Power – Wind energy is another one of those renewable sources that is very, very environmentally friendly, and actually has been used for quite some time. Generating electricity from wind is pretty straight forward – basically, electricity is produced when wind blows a massive turbine that spins to create the electricity. The equipment is somewhat expensive still, but over the course of the next ten years or so, that may change. One other drawback is that if it isn’t windy outside, then guess what – no wind, no power. Luckily, battery technology is very good in that turbines can store energy for days that have less wind than others.

4. Hydro Power – Another widely used source of renewable energy, hydro power is harnessed by using the flow of water to move turbines to create electricity. Water has been used for quite some time to make electricity, but died out a bit when fossil fuels became more popular. However, hydro energy is still used today, with about 7% of the energy in the US being powered by hydro electric power plants. Hydro power plants are typically found on large bodies of water (like big rivers), so geographically, you’ll only find them in states that can support them. Again, as technology develops, we’ll probably see a more widespread use of hydro power in the future, as it is a clean burning and natural way to power homes and businesses.

5. Bio Energy – Creating energy from plants and grains seems to be all the rage these days. Biodiesel, corn gasoline, and other forms of bio energy are being utilized all over the place to help combat out of control gas prices. Ethanol, which is basically gas made from corn, is widely used to power vehicles, and costs quite a bit less than regular gas. Many manufacturers are crating ethanol ready cars and trucks, and consumers seem to buy them more and more. There are all sorts of grains, plants and other naturally occurring gifts from Mother Nature that we can use to create different forms of bio energy, and as we move into the future, don’t be surprised if by the year 2020, you’re powering your car on carrots and beans.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thermal Efficiency of a Human Being

Thermal Efficiency of a Human Being
• A human body is essentially a biological machine. We will analyze its efficiency as compared to machines that we have invented.
• Discussions are included on the specific methods that our bodies use to lose waste heat from the many biological processes necessary to keep us alive, which stabilizes our body temperature.
• Discussions are consider exactly what happens to the food and food energy we ingest each day, which includes some amazing surprises!
• Many other related concepts and subjects are also addressed.

How many BTU’s does the human body generate?

"The human body maintains a basic minimum rate of heat production at about 250 Btu/hr during sleep, the heat equivalent of about 75 watts, and about 400 Btu/hr (120 watts) when awake but sedentary activity increases, the rate of oxidation of food, with its attendant release of energy, must increase. The level of heat production for light work will be about 650 Btu/hr (190 watts), the extreme value for heavy work, about 2400 Btu/hr (700 watts)."

400 BTU's awake and 250 BTU's sleeping

How many watts of energy in BTU's does the human body give off at rest for one hour?

1 met = 1kcal/kg/hr
1kcal = 3.97 Btu
At rest, the human body expends about 0.8 met.
So, a 70 kg person at rest generates 0.8 * (3.97 Btu * 70 kg) every hour.
That would be about 222 btu/hr, which is not a measure of watts, so....
Since 1 btu/hr = 0.293 watts, that same person generates 65.14 watts at rest.

How many watts does the body produce?
Adjusted for male-female mix the approx. total heat generated while seated is 350 btu/h or 110 watts/hr
During heavy work or athletics 1800 btu/h or 550 watts/hr
The total heats listed include latent heat (perspiration and respiration) which is roughly half the total. Men produce about 12% more total heat. (No adjustments for body weight were noted.)
Maximum intensity was not listed in my source, but Lab experiments have shown 800 watts over very short durations for some "normal" people.
An Analyst notation of 1000 watts for brief, intense durations seems reasonable in consideration of the televised international "World Strongest Man" contests.
ASHRAE Pocket Guide

• 1 food Calorie = 1,000 energy (heat) calories.
1 calorie = 4.184 Joules.
1 Watt = 1J/s.
1 kWatt = 1kJ/s.

If a body burns off 1,000 Calories of energy in say,1 hour of jogging, it's equal to 1,000 kilocalories of heat energy. (1,000,000 calories).
1,000kcal x 4.184kJ/kcal = 4,184kJ = 4,184kW in 3,600seconds.

4,184 kiloWatts over 3,600secs (1 hour) = 1.162kW (1,162 W).

This is NOT a 'perhaps' or an 'estimate', it's a correct calculation.

How does the human body generate heat, please explain in detail?
The heat is generated by all of the biochemical reactions carried out by cells. The liver is the main contributor of heat since it carries out hundreds of reactions. Every time that a "fuel food" - protein, carbohydrate or fats - is broken down, heat is released as a by-product. The actual product of this "tissue respiration" is a molecule called Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP) which is used by all cells for energy. For example each Glucose molecule will produce 38 molecules of ATP plus carbon dioxide and water as waste products and heat energy. The heat is passed onto blood so that, in the liver, blood entering the liver is cooler than blood leaving it! Shivering is actually just very rapid muscle contraction and each time a muscle contracts it needs ATP which is made by breaking down a fuel food. The equation for tissue respiration involving glucose is:-

Glucose + oxygen + ADP + Pi ----- Carbon dioxide + water + ATP + heat energy

When fats are respired they produce twice as much energy, in the form of ATP, than either carbohydrates or proteins.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles

Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles

“Back to BASICS”

Fiscal responsibility

Family values


I am not a politician; I am a family man who is fiscally responsible with strong morals

The reason I am not a politician is: because the term politician as defined today stands for – corruption, special interests and pro-government instead of pro-people.

I challenge you today; to do what is good for the people of Los Angeles and than the city.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Water is the source of life - treasure it! R5.

Water is the source of life - treasure it! R5.
Water is the source of all life on earth. It touches every area of our lives. Without it, we could not thrive — we could not even survive.

Sustainability – “We strive to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
We should discourage wastefulness and misuse, and promote efficiency and conservation.

"Conservation is really the cheapest source of supply,"
For the benefit of mankind, maintain the quality of life and preserve the peace and tranquility of world population. Water resources must be preserved - to sustain humanity. We must eliminate wasteful utilization of water, conserve our water sources and implement rigid conservation methods. We should utilize solar and or other source of renewable energy to operate desalinization projects from the oceans. Utilize renewable energy sources to purify and transport the water to its final destination. As world population increases the scarcity of water will become a cause for conflict, unless we take steps now to develop other sources of water for drinking, rainwater harvesting – storm-water and gray-water utilization. Designing of landscaping that uses minimal amount of water.
"With power shortages and a water scarcity a constant threat across the West, it's time to look at water and energy in a new way,"
To preserve the future generations sustainability, we should look into urban farming – vertical farming. The term "urban farming" may conjure up a community garden where locals grow a few heads of lettuce. But some academics envision something quite different for the increasingly hungry world of the 21st century: a vertical farm that will do for agriculture what the skyscraper did for office space. Greenhouse giant: By stacking floors full of produce, a vertical farm could rake in $18 million a year.
YJ Draiman, Energy, Telecom and water conservation consultant
November 1, 2010

Hydro dynamics: forget oil. Sharing freshwater equitably poses political conundrums as explosive and far-reaching as global climate change.
Quoted from other sources
Anyone who has ever stood on a beach and looked out into the vast expanse of an ocean knows that there is a lot of water on this planet. In fact, 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water. It may seem like water is all around us, but safe, clean, reliable drinking water is not a cease¬less resource. The problems facing drinking water range from failing infrastructure, to climate change, to insufficient supplies.

Personal Conservation
Preserving our water resources is not a job for water industry professionals alone. We all have a vested interest in ensuring that water remains safe, af¬fordable and available. Therefore, each individual American has a responsibility to monitor and control their water use, There are many simple ways for people to reduce excess water use, lower water bills and protect the environment, espe¬cially in die spring and summer months, Beyond the standard constraints of watering the lawn only when neces¬sary and washing car wisely by using soap and a bucket of water, some steps include: draining water lines to outside faucets, disconnecting hoses, shutting off outdoor water sources during cold weather and running a small trickle of water on whiter nights to prevent pipe from freezing.
Water supply management is an issue that affects us all. It may not be apparent to every citizen today, but with climate change and population shifts transforming the United States, it soon will be. Effective solutions need to be put into place today before we are faced with a water crisis. A focus on careful planning, treatments, innova¬tions and conservation measures will help to create stability for long-term water management. Commitment to keeping water at the top of the list for communities and citizens will better prepare us for whatever the future of water holds.

The indispensable source of life-without water there would be no industry, no agriculture and, most importantly of all, no life. In dry parts of the world this essential commodity is even more precious. Almost all human actions involve water from taking a shower to reading a newspaper to driving a car or simply eating a sandwich - almost everything we do or touch is somehow related to this precious treasure. We ask that you stop and think how you use water and what you can do to conserve this essential natural resource.
*Water, beliefs and customs,
*Water as a vehicle of the economy,
*Water, source of art and life, irrigation and cultivation.
The people have decided to act to try and develop a real awareness program on the theme of water preservation and distribution in an attempt to help maintain the original purity of rivers and streams.
In many parts of the world water sources and wells are not equally distributed. Water as a source of life can also be at the source of conflict.
Whether we live in India, Iceland or the Atlas… we have always tried to trap and tame water. Dams, pumps, canals, water treatment centers; there are so many different ways to exploit this resource that we often forget how fragile this unique and essential treasure actually is.
Unfortunately, many of the things we do every day can harm our water. That’s why all people and government should be working with municipalities, farmers, business leaders and developers just like you to take action to protect our water and clean it up.
Small changes can make a big difference. This guide outlines practical things we can all do to preserve and protect our water. We all need to be part of the solution.
Concentrated Solar Power, which requires no solar panels at all. It works by concentrating sunlight onto a small pipe using cheap parabolic reflectors. The pipe contains a liquid that’s heated to very high temperatures by the sun and drives a steam boiler that rotates a turbine to generate electricity (much like nuclear power plants, but without the nuclear waste). It’s cheap, low-tech, and far more affordable than solar power. Plus, it can be built in practically any desert, so it doesn’t take up valuable land. As another bonus, when CSP operations are built near the ocean, they can desalinate ocean water as a side effect, providing fresh water for irrigation to grow food. This is the only renewable energy technology I know of that can produce cheap energy, fresh water and crop irrigation all at the same time. Plus, it has no emissions, no toxic chemicals, no nuclear waste and very little environmental impact..
“You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today” - Abraham Lincoln said it.
“That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest” – Henry David Thoreau.
“To waste, to destroy, our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed” – Theodore Roosevelt.
“When the ‘study of the household’ (ecology) and the ‘management of the household’ (economics) can be merged, and when ethics can be extended to include ‘environmental’ as well as human values, then we can be optimistic about the future of mankind. Accordingly, bringing together these three E’s is the ultimate holism and the great challenge for our future” – Eugene Odum.

Water, it’s been said, is the "oil of the 21st century" -- a commodity whose availability and quality may be subject to both known and unknown influences. For companies, that poses significant risks, and many companies are making water a strategic issue, creating water management plans that include efficiency and conservation as well as contingency plans should water become less available or more costly. Many firms are examining their products, policies, and processes through the lens of a world in which the availability of water becomes a constraint to doing business.